by Christian SIDERIS | Jul 27, 2022 | News
Threats to life, arrest or other involve demands by scammers to pay money that you supposedly owe and threats if you do not cooperate, according to a recent article published in the website Scam Watch provided by the Australian governement. How this scam works These...
by Christian SIDERIS | May 10, 2022 | News
A study into the use of biometric and behavioral mass surveillance, particularly in public spaces, examines whether, generally in the name of security, the European Union is heading beyond the rule of law towards the ending of liberal democracy as citizens’ rights are...
by Christian SIDERIS | Apr 11, 2022 | News
A privacy rights org this week lost an appeal in a case about the sharing of Bulk Personal Datasets (BPDs) of UK residents by MI5, MI6, and GCHQ with foreign intelligence agencies, according to a recent article published in The Register. The British agencies have...
by Christian SIDERIS | Mar 24, 2022 | News
ATMs You probably know your bank’s branch has security cameras watching to make sure thieves don’t steal your account information, but not all cameras are used for good. Thieves can hide cameras under fake covers that have tiny holes to record through, like the...
by Christian SIDERIS | Feb 20, 2022 | News
Ice fishing involves cutting a hole in a frozen body of water in order to catch fish. Ice phishing, as Microsoft describes it, is a clickjacking, or a user interface redress attack, that tricks a user into signing a transaction that delegates approval of the user’s...